Laws to abide by, to get a High ranking site

Supposed you’ve invested heavily on an offline marketing campaign. Some 100 people pass underneath your banner, and are able to read your name. Now what? They’ll Google your name. If they find you on the 1st or the 2nd page, then it’s good, else they’ll just forget about you or your banner. There goes your thousand dollar campaign in vain!

So, apart from your other strategies, you must focus on today’s promotion-driving technique: Search Engine Optimization, or SEO.

In Layman’s words, what Search Engine Optimization does is that it facilitates the tracking of your website by search engine’s bots, and helps it gain rank.

An SEO friendly web design helps you get the much needed exposure by enabling your website gain a spot on the very first page of search engine’s results. But, SEO optimization is easier said than done, and requires a high level of proficiency in this field, keeping several factors in mind, such as the keywords, content, third party links, etc.

Below are some of the criteria that should be fulfilled for an enhanced SEO friendly web design:

Make sure the codes of your website comply with the W3C standards.
Avoid inserting too much of flash scripts in the pages, as it becomes an obstacle in improving the ranking.
Embed third party links in your content tactfully. The readability should be extremely high, so that neither the visitor nor the bot, gets confused.
The content should be highly optimized, using the topic-specific keywords. The keywords should be carefully woven in the content, so that it doesn’t looks like a nothing-specific-only-seo-driven text!

You’ll find several firms offering SEO friendly web design services; choose the one that has experience in quality website designing in India, to make sure that your website stays on the top!


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