Link building in 2014

Link building will remain important in 2014 and one needs to differentiate between link building and link scheming as that would decide the performance of your website in SERP. Link building has never been an easy and cheap job and it is not going to change in 2014 as well. Many people may be thinking link building to be dead in 2014 but that is absolutely incorrect as link building is far from it. Google’s Penguin update of penalizing websites with manipulative link schemes has forced many people to think this way. But the whole idea of stopping link building altogether for being safe is really a bad idea. Link building is still the best way to improve visibility in the SERP. Links are still considered to be the best way for SEO and is also considered to algorithm’s most important part. If you want the visibility of your website to increase in organic search then you would be required to allocate your resources wisely as link building still remains more important than the other...