Link building in 2014

Link building will remain important in 2014 and one needs to differentiate between link building and link scheming as that would decide the performance of your website in SERP.

Link building has never been an easy and cheap job and it is not going to change in 2014 as well. Many people may be thinking link building to be dead in 2014 but that is absolutely incorrect as link building is far from it. Google’s Penguin update of penalizing websites with manipulative link schemes has forced many people to think this way. But the whole idea of stopping link building altogether for being safe is really a bad idea.

Link building is still the best way to improve visibility in the SERP. Links are still considered to be the best way for SEO and is also considered to algorithm’s most important part. If you want the visibility of your website to increase in organic search then you would be required to allocate your resources wisely as link building still remains more important than the other factors.

It is of utmost importance to understand the difference between link building and link scheming in this current year of 2014. Going by Google, certain things or activities come under link scheming and are not a part of link building. They are:

There are certain links that pass Page Rank. Buying or selling of those links are a part of link scheming.
If you or your employee make use of automated programs for creating links for your site, then that is also link scheming.
When you link to a site just for a link back.
Link scheming is when you build a link network for the sake of linking.
When you use article marketing to a great extent or use guest posts and both have anchor text rich in keyword.
Using Page Rank passed links in purchased articles or advertorials.
When you create and distribute anchor text rich press releases.
When you link to unrelated pages or spammers with the intention of manipulating Page Rank.
Inclusion of little coherent links.

The last though have been removed from the list by Google from its guidelines but is likely to be reasons of penalty.

We all know that quality is better than quantity and that goes for link building as well and hire link building services India who believes the same. A SEO link building company India makes use of links from authorized websites instead of unrelated links. Build links on relevant websites where you are sure to come across readers who would be genuinely interested. Go for editorially given links as that need approval and improve the visibility of page in SERP.


  1. There are many business who runs their business by SEO. This is a great information about the online marketing.
    SEO Singapore


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